About Lindsay Schilaty

Goodlife With Lindsay's programs all include research based strategies to beat peri and menopause hormonal body changes to help women lose weight and become strong.

Ladies, Own your 40s - Simplifying Weight Loss

On a fall Friday evening in 2021 I went for a walk.  The high school I live by had a home football game and I was so happy I was no longer an administrator at the school so I could be on that walk instead of working.  There was a warm wind that night, it felt magical.

As I was walking, I was listening to the band NEEDTOBREATHE and their song “Difference Maker” really hit me, I listened to it on repeat as I contemplated what I really wanted to do next in my life. I felt inspired to be a “difference maker” in my own way beyond what I had previously done.  I knew then that I wanted to create Goodlife with Lindsay so that I could make a difference in the lives of women to increase their health, happiness, and relationship with God.

Midlife, being in your 40s and beyond, there is some much change happening to our female bodies that is not talked about.  It is my mission to educate you to take control of your life and to use proven strategies designed for women in peri and post-menopause so that you can enjoy all life has to offer! So that you can enjoy life without feeling self-conscious about how you look. Without worrying about weight gain. Without feeling like you can’t keep up with your kids.  So you can control your body, mind, and spirit.

Using my talents, interests, and passion for teaching, coaching, fitness, and the human body I am here to serve you and help you on your next steps to thrive through your midlife and changing hormones during perimenopause and beyond.

Lindsay Schilaty headshot

Certifications and Experience

I have 20 years experience teaching and coaching youth and adults to refining my skills to be a master teacher for YOU.


(Social Emotional Learning) Facilitator


Level 1, Level 2, Nutrition, Endurance, Powerlifting certificates

Yoga Certification

500 HR CYT (Certified Yoga Teacher)

In-Progress Certifications

Women’s Coaching Specialist Cert, Ayurveda Nutrition, Breathwork Cert, Ayurveda Practitioner

Master in School Administration

10 years teaching and 7 years leading as a school administrator in public schools

Undergraduate Studies

BYU BS in Health and Fitness Education

High School Coach

Volleyball and Tennis

Collegiate Athlete

Volleyball and Rugby

Health and Fitness Passion for Women's Health in their 40s

My adult life has been one of serving younger generations and helping them grown into better little humans!  I have done this through my work in public education. Teaching health and PE, training high school leadership students, and as a building administrator to create a school environment where both students and staff love to be at school.

Let go of the thought that achieving success is beyond your grasp. Attaining your ideal body is entirely achievable! Start the journey by focusing on simple and small changes. These new routines will pave the way to realizing your goals! I will celebrate with you as you close gaps, overcome limiting beliefs, and find success with nutrition and fitness!

I cannot wait to work with you and help you find what out what is possible!

A headshot of Lindsay Schilaty


  • 20 years experience teaching and coaching youth and adults and refining my skills to be a master teacher for YOU
  • 7 trainer certifications from Women's Coaching Specialist, to Yoga and CrossFit
  • Continued commitment to use of research based strategies for menopause

Your Next Step

  • Show up for yourself and get the body you have wanted.
  • Step into your power and become the next higher level of yourself!
  • Understand how your body is changing through midlife and are armed with real strategies to maintain results.
  • Find a greater connection to God through loving and caring for your body

Book an appointment to see if we are a great fit to work together!

A headshot of Lindsay Schilaty

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